DTI, one with the world in celebrating ‘World Consumer Rights Day’
“Trusted Smart Products” is this year’s
theme in celebration of the World Consumer Rights Day. This event is held annually
on the 15th of March to continuously raise awareness on consumer
rights, protection and legitimacy across the globe. In an era where the
physical meets the digital, many of the products we use are increasingly
becoming connected by default. Embedded
with the products is the ability to provide service in a smart and connected
approach. Logically, consumer rights and responsibilities are shared
responsibilities of the government of nations, world organizations advocate and
the consuming public.
According to DTI-Capiz Provincial Director
Ken R. Queenie Cuñada, “This year’s theme is a reminder that consumers must be
at the heart of development and innovation of digital products and services.”
“DTI is one with the world in upholding
consumer rights as it advocates everyone to be vigilant
and skeptical in buying products especially those with technological
advancements,” she added.
Almost three decades ago, the government championed Consumer Act of the Philippines which provides
for the protection of the consumers, promotion of their general welfare, and
establishment of standards for busines and industry. DTI would like to
remind that product safety is tantamount to consumer protection and welfare. (DTI Capiz/ Marjorie F. Tendras)
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