Diskwento Caravan brings basic goods more accessible to communities

Retailers and farmers display their goods for sale during the Diskwento Carvan in Kalibo, Aklan

The DTI Aklan Provincial Office conducted a Diskwento Caravan in partnership with the Local Government Unit of Kalibo during the town’s “Gugma it Kalibo,” an adaptation of Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita Program of the Department of Agriculture.

The caravan was held at the Veteran’s Avenue in Kalibo, Aklan on May 7. The program gave consumers an opportunity to easily access basic necessities and prime commodities, and at affordable prices.

Three business establishments joined and displayed their goods during the activity.

These are the Lemacel Trading, Bacon Marketing, Inc., and Fast Trading Corporation.

Some of the products made available during the caravan include coffee, creamer, powdered milk, noodles, bottled water, bath soap, among others. Aside from this, farmers also exhibited their agricultural produce.

With the partnership, it was like offering the families and individuals a mini-grocery outlet with reasonably priced goods closer to them. Other local government units in the province also consider conducting similar activity in their municipalities.


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